Know More About Your Iqama

Check Iqama Status

. You will need to create an account and log in with your Iqama number and personal information. Once logged in, you can access your Iqama information and check the status of your Iqama.

You can also check the status of your Iqama by sending an SMS to the number 920009209 with the text “iqama” followed by your Iqama number. For example, if your Iqama number is 1234567890, you would text “iqama 1234567890” to 920009209. You will receive an SMS with the status of your Iqama.

It is important to note that, the status of iqama can be either “Valid” or “Expired” or “Under process” etc.A

Also Read: important details on your iqama card

Iqama Expiry is the Best option in Saudi Arabia for Check Iqama and much more

Other Method for Check Iqama

Another way to check the status of your Iqama (Saudi Arabia’s residence permit) is by using the Muqeem website. You can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Muqeem website (
  2. Click on “English” or “Arabic” to change the language to your preference
  3. Scroll down and click on “Check Iqama Expiry”
  4. Enter your Iqama number and the image code for verification
  5. Click on “Check”

This will give you the status of your Iqama, including the expiry date and other details related to your Iqama.

It is important to keep track of the status and expiry of your Iqama, as it is necessary for various legal procedures and transactions in Saudi Arabia.

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